Design Tips: Kitchen Design Tips from Our Experts
Your kitchen is going to be one of the most frequently viewed parts of your home, and if you want to wow guests, you will need to have a kitchen that is well-designed. A kitchen that has the right design elements also has the added perks of being easier to maneuver through, easier to clean, and better equipped for major cooking endeavors. In other words, the design of your kitchen will be a huge factor in its worth to you. Here are some tips to get the most out of your kitchen space.
Think logistics before anything else
Sadly, there are kitchens out there that have placed stoves and refrigerators in locations that make it impossible to open the appliance doors all the way. This can make it harder for people to clean, and it can also be a pain. Before you make any major change, ask yourself if you will have enough space to make all the important movements with your appliances.

Space is your friend
As a general rule, the more space you have in your kitchen, the better off you are. Invest in items that help maximize the amount of usable space, such as pull out cabinet drawers, rotating shelves, and glasses hangers. Even using hooks to hold up your most frequently used cooking utensils can make a huge difference.

Color is important
Did you ever notice how many restaurants use red and yellow as theme colors? This is because both colors have been tied to sparking hunger in people, as well as making people feel at home. It's a wise idea to choose colors that you feel cozy around with your kitchen. It may be best to avoid dark colors, though, since it tends to make a room feel cramped.

Easy to clean
The materials that you use for kitchen cabinets, counters, and sinks should be easy to clean. The lower maintenance your kitchen is, the better off you will be. Enough said!

Plan ahead
You should come up with a plan for the placement of your kitchen gadgets, cutlery, and gizmos before you go through with a design plan. There are some things in your kitchen that you will need to plan out a place for before you sign off on a design. These include your coffee machine, your microwave (do you want one in the cabinet), as well as your toaster. Homeowners with a cutlery collection in a knife block also may want to consider squaring away a place on the counter for that, too.

As a rule of thumb, the more effort and forethought that you place into kitchen design and remodeling plans, the better the final result will be. When in doubt, there is absolutely no shame in asking for advice from a professional interior designer or an architect. After all, as much as you may have an idea of what you want to accomplish in the kitchen, an expert will be able to tell you volumes about whether or not there may be a better option out there for you.
Call us for a free consultation or visit our showroom to get started.